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My Morning Routine

I have always been a person who enjoys the nuances of each day. One of the reasons I love what I do is because every day looks different. Some days I am filled up with zoom meetings, some days I am focused on creating content, and other days I am working on developing business. I love the variety. However, one thing that I have noticed over the years is that a lack of organization tends to hurt my productivity. I sometimes forget things I should be doing or I will dive into things without being in the right mindset (more on that later).

A couple of months back I came across this amazing planner called the Panda Planner. If you haven’t heard of it, you should check it out now. No seriously, here is the link, go do it…

Panda Planner

What I was in search of was something that I could use to start my day, but not be so overwhelming that I wouldn’t be consistent. For me personally, having to spend 30 minutes in a planner each day is just too much. I need simple and to the point. The Panda Planner has been that for me. 

I want to walk you through my morning routine. Most of the steps below are directly out of the planner but I have also tweaked it a little, so it makes sense for me. Let’s dive in.

Daily Habit

I start off with writing down a daily habit I want to work on. For me, there is just something about writing it down that holds me more accountable. I usually don’t change it until I feel there is something more pressing I need to work on. The one I am focused on now is Patience. It’s a doozy so hopefully, I can move onto something new before the end of the year!

What I Am Grateful For

I believe that we all have things to be grateful for. Starting your day from a place of gratitude can set the tone for the entire day. If you dive right into work you don’t enjoy or something you are going to complain about, chances are you won’t be thinking too much about all the great things you have to be grateful for. Getting your heart and mind in tune with gratitude is big for me.

What I am Excited About

It is important not to forget about things we have to look forward to. These could be as simple as a zoom call that day or as big as a 2-week vacation coming up in the next month. I try to mix it up every day and include at least 1 thing related to my business. There is always something to be excited about!


In the Panda Planner, there is a box labeled “Focus”. I have chosen to use this box to pick a new person each day to pray for. Prayer is a major part of my life, so I write a new name in the box each day. Who knows, maybe your name is in that box today!


This is another part that sets my heart and mind in the right place for the day. I pull all my affirmations from God and the promises He has made to me through His word. 

Schedule for the Day

Easy one. There are time slots from 6 am to 9 pm on the page. I write down all the meetings I have that day. I obviously have everything in my calendar but quickly writing them down takes no time at all and it helps me to better visualize what my day will look like.

Day’s Priorities

This is where I write down the 5 things I need to prioritize that day. Sometimes it’s only 1 or 2 but there is room for 5. This makes sure I take care of those important tasks I need to get done that day.

Ongoing Tasks

Below the priorities is a section of tasks that I roll from day today. I just like to keep a running list so I don’t forget anything. Most of the time I use that list to pick my 5 priorities for the day.

Read My Bible and Pray

The last two aren’t in the book but they are important to me. I spend a few minutes reading my Bible and spending time in prayer. This is also when I pray for the person I wrote in the Focus box above. Once I am done reading and praying, it is time to kick off the day!


I know this seems like a long list of things, but it actually doesn’t take very long. It has helped me tremendously to stay organized and be more efficient.

I am curious to know what your morning routine entails. What type of things do you prioritize in the morning to have the most efficient and productive day possible? 

Drop a comment below with your answers.