Bookkeeping, Controller and CFO Services | The Quantify Group

Thank You

Filling You In

As you may be aware I am getting married in a few short weeks. I’ll be taking a break for a little while in order to focus more of myself on my wedding. We will pick back up in early June. I love putting 100% of myself into the posts that I write for you all and that’s just not something I can do right now.

A Last Thought

Before I let you go I want say, thank you. It is quite humbling to hear your responses since I started writing. Without all of your feedback and encouragement I probably would have stopped writing a long time ago. It seems like a daily occurrence that someone tells me they enjoy reading my posts. Thank you for following along, but more importantly thank you for letting me be honest and journey with you all. I hope some things I’ve written have carried value for you. It has been awesome to process through things on my end and put them down on paper. I have learned a ton and am looking forward to where this will go in the future.

As always, I am still available to talk. Thanks again and I’ll see you in a few weeks!